标签: 国外网站设计公司    优秀网站    创意设计    灵感    NorthKingdom    the site of the  

今年月初,有创意王国之称的NorthKingdom在其官方网站上展示了《Get the Glass!》的幕后花絮,该网站曾获07年的FWA年度最受观众喜爱奖(the site of the year),即使在2010年看来,该网站制作上也堪称精良。相信能给大家带来一些额外的灵感。

Goodby, Silverstein & Partners in San Fransisco, US. The client was The California Milkboard inc.

Me and David Eriksson (CD/CEO, North Kingdom) had for a long time wanted a project where we could build something physical, something you have not seen earlier, and when we first heard about the new Got Milk? project we understood that this would be the project! I guess Goodby thought we where a little bit crazy in the beginning but when we described the idea they loved the idea.

This is what we got from Goodby, showing the rough concept idea of a digital boardgame with a 3D feeling.

First we started to figure out how this island would work, ofcourse. The left map is the first rough one I did in Photoshop. Later on Ted Kjellson, who would be in charge of the building, made the one to the right. With this solution we would save lot of time from our 3D artists who now could concentrate on characters and other 3D elements which we would add to the island.

Next step was to build a rough 3D island so we knew exactly how all areas would work, and so we could set camera angles and discuss solution with Goodby. The picture is showing some feedback and work in progress.

Nine days before filmday. We did the building here in Skellefteå with Ted Kjellgren as supervisior.

Six days left. Focus on the castle which would have a big role in the game.

Three days left. The only time I was worried during the week we did the model building was when we got a call from our client; “The castle is no more a castle…” This was three days before the filmday (which we could not move). Our client had at this point get footage of how the “castle” would look at in the TV ads. However, the new style turns out to be much better, it gave the whole island a totally new character. I felt bad for Ted though…2

Meanwhile Ted and his team worked on the model I made a first rough interface sketch.

Two days left. The new building on place which gave the whole island a complete new profile. We loved it!

One day left. The most stuff is on place except for lot and lot of details.

When we arrived next day for our filmday we where all very impressed of the final version of the island. They where still working on details as you can see. All shooting was made during this one day.

The sky did I paint in Photoshop. One of my first Photoshop paintings actually.

Our 3D guys also had the pleasure to build some really cool vehicles. When the TV ads were not ready at this point we did not have so much to go after… but maybe that was for all good.

We also started to look how the characters would look like. Anton Eriksson made some early concept sketches before we started to build them in 3D.

The logotypes and the card design was made by Goodby, Silverstein & Partners.

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